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Shooting Sports comprise a number of different categories. We certainly don’t want to move a child into a category where they are not comfortable as this would be counterproductive to the goals of our program. To this end we have started with a variety of categories for our young competitors to train and compete in. Our programs consist of the following squads. More will be added as funding becomes available.
Super Beez Junior Competitive Shooting Team
Small Bore 3 Position (Prone, Kneeling, Standing)
10 Meter Air Rifle
10 Meter Air Pistol
FTCA does not discriminate due to race, religion, sex, or national origin, however, all participants must be American by birth or Naturalized American Citizens. Participants with disabilities may join in with us and we will try to work around the disability in accordance with the rules of the NRA, USA Shooting, CMP and the ISSF.
All children must have a liability waiver signed by their parent or guardian on file. This waiver will state that the child has no mental or physical condition that would preclude him /her from participating in the shooting sports taking into consideration disabilities that may be worked around in accordance with the above statement..