firearms training ccw concealed carry nra uscca range master shoot straight in-gauge plk County Lakeland auburndale tampa
Bobby "Bob" Grimes
Chief Instructor & Team Leader
Retired (disability) USMC 1965 ~ 1971
PMOS 0341 / SMOS 5811
(Infantry / Military Police )
Qualified w/ M14, M1911, M79, M29
NRA Training Counselor
NRA Certified Instructor
- Pistol - Rifle - Shotgun
- USAS / NRA / CMP Lvl 1 Rifle Coach
- Defensive Handgun
- Personal Protection Inside the Home
- Personal Protection Outside the Home
- Home Firearms Safety
- Refuse to be a Victim
Pete Tobin
Senior Instructor & Shooting Coach
NRA Instructor
Rifle - Pistol
Defensive Pistol
Personal Protection
William " Bill" House
Senior Instructor & Shooting Coach
Retired Law Enforcement
FBI Firearms Instructor
Florida "K" License Instructor
NRA Certified Instructor - Pistol
NRA Instructor - Rifle
Carlos Cardonas
USCG Firearms Instructor (Retired Chief)
NRA Instructor - Pistol